
NOEMI TRUST was established on 1st March 2013 in Castel Goffredo. It began in the sock industry district where the hystorical “Calzificio Noemi” started in 1926. This district is considered one of the most important in the productive territory. As this is where the economic development of the 60s was focused. However, it is now experiencing a phase of withdrawal due to globalization and the economic crisis of the last period.
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The task of NOEMI TRUST, that started in synergy with “Terre dell'Alto Mantovano”, is a project of integration and cultural development of the territory and gives new Energy. It evolves not only all those specific skills already present in the sector, but also it adds new ones in textile production, metal- mechanical, chemical, wood and construction sector, adapting the highest quality standards and obtaining a higher position in the value scale.

The tools declared to achieve this aim are SPECIFIC TRAINING and RESEARCH, which benefits all.

For this reason, from 2014 to 2017, Noemi Trust has carried out various types and levels of masterclass training, 448 people of all ages and professions took part. It was a success that witnesses a strong need for non-generalist and continuous training.
At the same time, Noemi Trust has built a dense network of relationships and synergies with Italian and foreign institutions, universities and research laboratories. This can get RESEARCH that produces results in nano-technological coating of all metal, mineral, glass, wood and fabric surfaces.

This process led to the creation of the NOEMI SOCIETA’ COOPERATIVA, which deals with nano technological applications on various surfaces and in various markets.
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